BEDA Day 26; Topic: Quotations

For today’s topic I thought a game would be fun. Following are 10 quotes from various movies. Some are easy. Some may be hard. These are just quotes I like. Please leave a comment with your answers. The winner gets something very special. And yes, this is a cheap ploy just to get some comments. On to the quotes…

We’ll start with an easy one.

1. “Forget it Jake. It’s Chinatown.”

2. “It’s supposed to be hard. That’s what makes it great. If it was easy, everyone would do it.”

3. “Whoa…WHOA! Okay, you are now firing a gun at your imaginary friend near 400 gallons of nitroglycerin!”

4. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourselves.”

5. “And let me be even more frank, just to show you I’m not a hard-hearted man, and that it’s not all dollars and cents. She was beautiful! She was young! She was innocent! She was the greatest piece of ass I’ve ever had, and I’ve had ’em all over the world!”

6. “Well, look, I already told you. I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people!! Can’t you understand that?!”

7. “Sometimes you have to say, ‘What the fuck?” and make your move.”

8. “No, It’s completely baked. It’s a decision I’ve made.”

9. “I got so many ideas burning through my skull! Like a fucking shirt that says, ‘Loser.’ Or…I don’t know…like ‘Talk to the Hand!'”

10. “Is it safe?”

~ by Blake Winters on April 27, 2010.

3 Responses to “BEDA Day 26; Topic: Quotations”

  1. Oh crap. I feel as if I may have my Kyle’s friend card revoked. On first glance, I’ve got one. I’m going to take some time to actually look at them tonight.

    Why is it I surround myself by people whose voracious love for movies far outdistances my own?? Between you, Gretchen, and Ben, I’m starting to feel a bit ridiculous!

  2. I’m ashamed to say I don’t actually know any of these, off the top of my head. A couple look vaguely familiar…Maybe I’ll make one too. It sounds kinda fun, actually. I hope you don’t mind me copying your idea. The hard part for me would be actually coming up with 10 lines from 10 movies. And my movies are probably going to be girlier, and stuff like “this…….SPARTAAAAAA!!” that’ll be WAY easier.

    PS You should provide an answer key tomorrow.

  3. Copy away. I look forward to your quiz. I love quizzes.

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